Return / Replacement Policy
We at Plakart and Skopje Poster are strongly committed to provide you the best produced and crafted products. Your satisfaction is our highest priority!
Any reason that makes you unsatisfied with received product/service?
There is a way we can provide best experience possible and this is what we propose…
How to Request for a Return
If you are the buyer and owner of the particular product you purchased, we encourage you to write to us for customer service assistance in 5 days after you receive your product/service.
Return Instructions
If the product arrives damaged or defective we offer replacement of the product.
Please make photo of the shipping container/mail package and damaged product and send it to us by mail at info@skopjeposter.com. Please be sure to include order number, shipping id, description of the reason why you return it and why you request a replacement.
After we receive your e-mail and take you issue under consideration, we will inform you of the proceedings.
Return policy may not apply to limited edition products, products that copyrights are not of ownership to Plakart and Skopje Poster.
You might be asked to return the item at your cost before the replacement is being proceeded for inspection.
We suggest you to return the item via a traceable post method, as we can’t guarantee that the item will be delivered to us.
Return Adrress
23 Oktomvri St. 21/5
Skopje, 1000
Republic of Macedonia
PIN 6215084
TIN 4030007630698
Note: Good returned without any prior notice by email will not be accepted. Failure to respond may result in delay shipping to the customer or the order being cancelled.