10th Skopje Poster Festival |Artificial Reality| Project description Dates: 14 November - 04 December 2017 Location: Museum of City of Skopje / Park Hotel / [...]

Postreview Exhibition 9. SPF | Porto | Portugal
Skopje Poster2017-05-24T18:20:33+01:00Postreview Exhibition 9. SPF | Porto | Portugal Project description Dates: 18 May -10 June 2017 Location: Porto subway stations – Sao Bento, Aliados, Marques [...]

Skopje Creative Hub Conference
Skopje Poster2017-02-09T14:14:21+01:00Skopje Creative Hub Conference Project description Dates: 16 December 2015 Location: Cinematheque of Macedonia 'Plakart’ Association Of Designers in collaboration with the British Council in Macedonia and [...]

Regional Design Conference ‘Conditions of the Design on the Balkans and Involvement in the Education’
Skopje Poster2017-02-09T14:14:25+01:00Regional Design Conference 'Conditions of the Design on the Balkans and Involvement in the Education' Project description Dates: 06 December 2014 Location: Skopje, Republic of Macedonia [...]