May 2016

Plakart & SUND invite designers from Macedonia and the region to Slavimir Stojanović workshop!

By |2017-02-09T14:14:07+01:00May 9, 2016|2016, Activities, Exhibition, Festival, Postreview exhibition, Skopjeposter, Workshop|

S.U.N.D. and Plakart / Skopje Poster Festival are revealing joint collaboration as part of 7. S.U.N.D. Festival that will take place in Belgrad at DKSK (Dom culture Studentski grad) between 19 and 22 May 2016. During the festival Plakart will showcase finalist exhibition from the 8. Skopjeposter ISPC on issue “Enabled For Disabled”. Other program [...]

April 2016

Polish Poster School exhibition has arrived in Macedonia

By |2017-02-09T14:14:08+01:00April 19, 2016|2016, Activities, Skopjeposter, Workshop|

Polish Poster School exhibition was officially opened yesterday at Museum of City of Skopje is relating to the role of the polish poster and mastership of polish poster authors. It is an exhibition project that includes works from 1950s until today which are part of the archives of the Poster Museum in Warsaw. Impressive works [...]

Inauguration of series of projects of Plakart and Museum of City of Skopje!

By |2016-04-13T18:13:09+01:00April 13, 2016|2016, Activities, Skopjeposter|

Association of Graphic Designers Plakart is part of the project “ArtLink” initiated by the Museum of City of Skopje. This ambitious project objective is to trigger the creative potential of the young creative people from Republic of Macedonia. In this project 9 faculties will take part – Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of [...]

Big Challenge For Young Designers: 9. ISPC Competition “Identity In Crisis”

By |2016-04-12T08:24:06+01:00April 12, 2016|2016, Activities, Competition, Skopjeposter|

Plakart – Association of Graphic Designers from Macedonia announce the 9. International Student Poster Competition. This year the Council of ISPC and Skopje Poster Festival decided to put emphasis on the issue of the identity, which in the face of the world’s events is vigilant and essential topic. All students on BA, MA and PhD [...]

March 2016

Poster competition on issue “Donate Blood, Youth, Humanity”

By |2017-02-09T14:14:08+01:00March 8, 2016|2016, Activities, Competition, Skopjeposter|

Red Cross of the City of Skopje in collaboration with Plakart - Association of Graphic Designers and with support of Transmet- Skopje announce competition on the issue "Donate blood, youth, humanity"... Voluntary donations of a blood presents expression of  high ethical, humanitarian and moral values. To donate a blood and to rescue a life is [...]

December 2015

Skopje Creative Hub Conference definied obstacles to development of creative industries in Macedonia and Balkan region

By |2017-02-09T14:14:08+01:00December 18, 2015|2015, Activities, Conference, Skopjeposter, Workshop|

'Plakart’ Association Of Designers in collaboration with the British Council in Macedonia and with support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia were organisers of the Creative Hub Conference - model that aims at stimulating creative ideas and designing creative hubs, as influencing the development of creative industries. “The conference promotes a model that [...]

Skopje Creative Hub Conference – Fantastic Chance For Creative People

By |2017-02-09T14:14:08+01:00December 9, 2015|2015, Activities, Conference, Skopjeposter|

On 16th of December Cinematique of Macedonia will be hosting the Skopje Creative Hub Conference in organization of Plakart – Association of Designers of Republic of Macedonia. The goal of the Conference is to stimulate creative ideas and designing of the creative hubs, as well as to influence on the development of the creative industries. [...]

8. Skopje Poster Festival has finished, highest amount of submissions and most visited venues

By |2017-02-09T14:14:09+01:00December 6, 2015|2015, Activities, Competition, Festival, Skopjeposter, Winners|

The meetings of students and designers with jury-members, following the announcement of the future 9. Skopjeposter competition were the last activities of this year festival Exhibition of finalist 100 student posters, that were selected from 2674 works from 1869 students from 52 countries, was visited by students, designers, artists and poster lovers. “From the very [...]

8. Skopjeposter ISPC “Enabled for Disabled” Winners

By |2017-02-09T14:14:10+01:00December 2, 2015|2015, Activities, Exhibition, Festival, Jury, Participants, Skopjeposter|

“There is nothing more beautiful than differences”, “They listen, see, talk, but we don’t understand them”…these are part of the messages from yesterday evening opening of the 8. Skopje Poster Festival in the Gallery of MKC (Youth Cultural Centre) under the motto “Enabled For Disabled”. This year competition was dominated by polish graphic design students. [...]

November 2015

#Fanzone, new Skopjeposter cool and inspirational content

By |2017-02-09T14:14:10+01:00November 29, 2015|#fanzone, 2015, Activities, Skopjeposter|

This is officially a start of a great content that our fans and friends students has asked for. We will post short interviews with graphic designers and creative artists regarding their start of the career and personalized message - illustration, poster or drawing - that they will create for you. First series includes our 8. Skopjeposter [...]