During the month of May, three students from Macedonia got a chance to follow the steps of Polish poster masters.

As a result of the competition for poster on the topic “Republic of Macedonia as a Tourist Destination” (#GOMK), organised by Plakart, Polish Embassy and Museum of City of Skopje, three main award winners had a chance to go on a one-week study visit to Poland. The trip was the reward to Anastasia Jovcheska from FON University and Ana Petrova and Ivan Durgutovski from European University received for their posters selected by the jury – Ryszard Kaja (designer and illustrator, Poland), Laze Tripkov (Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Macedonia), Jacek Multanowski (Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Macedonia), Tomislav Mikulcic (Director of the Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia), Lasko Dzurovski (founder of Totem Design Studio, Macedonia).


Posters and contemporary art museums, graphic – design faculties, meetings with renowned designers were only part of the study trip program.

After their return to Macedonia we asked them to share their experience with their colleagues from their homeland and abroad who may find inspiration and motivation in creative expression, professional development.

Ana Petrova, graduate studies at the Faculty of Design and Art – European Faculty

An incredible journey to a place full of designs perfect in details. Beautiful buildings, mild salads, many posters and creative solutions, unforgettable company in cities that must be seen again. So far the most fun, creative and inspiring journey for me.

Anastasija Jovcheska, graduate studies at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia – FON University

Nice week with nice people in an even more beautiful place – Poland. Three different cities, a million awesome places that could not be described in words. Our short stay was wonderful, and most importantly, very creative and inspiring. Poland is my favorite place and potentially every following destination <3

Ivan Durgutovski, Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Design and Art – European Faculty

For me, personally, this is a great recognition and a stepping stone that enabled me to be part of an extraordinary study trip that changed me in many ways. Thanks to Plakart / Skopje Poster Festival and the Polish Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia, three winners of the main prize have had an opportunity to visit Poland and get acquainted with the way in which this country operates on a local and national level, and at the same time to become familiar with the core of Polish spirit and creativity, through the difficult historical experiences that this nation has passed.

Traveling is vital for every creator, because we gain new experiences, we get to know new cultures and their values, all of which directly reflects on our creative expression and changes our perceptions. Among other things, we had the opportunity to visit the most famous universities, museums, cultural and design centers, artistic hubs and at the same time to get acquainted with eminent persons from the Polish artist and designer scene. Thanks to this, our network of contacts has grown, and thus the opportunities for educational development throughout future cooperation at the international level are increasing.

The struggle and perseverance of the Polish people are definitely reflected in their working processes and successes in the field of art and design.

I sincerely hope that this experience will be additional motivation for students to engage more in this competition, and all student competitions in general. Competitions are the best student exercise! 🙂

Skopje Poster

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