June 2019

    Finalist of the “Include, Not Exclude” European Student Competition

    By |2019-06-25T21:07:41+01:00June 25, 2019|2019, Activities, Competition, Exhibition, Festival, Jury, Skopjeposter, Winners|

    We introduce you the list of authors of the 50 finalist posters from European Poster Competition "Include, Not Exclude" that were chosen by the international jury, taking part also in the 12. Skopje Poster Festival exhibition (18-24 June 2019). Finalist - Winners Denis Nesmeyanov ‘Society’ RUS Ece Batur ‘Do Not Ignore’ TUR Eduardo Ribeiro [...]

    January 2018

      Jubilee 10. Skopje Poster Festival Came To Its End

      By |2018-01-05T14:28:21+01:00January 5, 2018|2017, Activities, Festival, Skopjeposter, Winners|

      The closing of the recent exhibitions from Skopje Poster Festival at the Museum of the City of Skopje completed the 10th jubilee edition of this urban graphic design cultural project. The festival, which was held from 14 November to 04 December 2017, offered exhibitions, master-workshops, design conference, panel-discussion, portfolio reviews with mentors, entertaining evening program. [...]

      November 2017

        Winners of 10th Jubilee Edition of SKPF “Artificial Reality”

        By |2017-11-21T13:44:19+01:00November 17, 2017|Activities, Competition, Exhibition, Festival, Jury, Skopjeposter, Winners, Workshop|

        The 10th jubilee edition of Skopje Poster Festival for student posters “Artificial Reality” has overcome the expectations. We had posters from more than 68 countries from all over the world. The number of the faculties that are interested in introducing Skopje Poster as part of their teaching programs has increased. Also the interest of exhibiting [...]

        November 2016

          Winners of 9. Skopje Poster International Student Competition

          By |2017-02-09T14:14:03+01:00November 23, 2016|2016, Activities, Competition, Exhibition, Festival, Jury, Participants, Presentation, Skopjeposter, Winners, Workshop|

          After 4 years Skopje Poster Festival has returned to the Museum of City of Skopje for its 9th edition. Identity in Crisis was the topic of this year competition, which we thought its up-to-date topic, which is shown also by the increase of submissions бѕ 33% compared to last year. Posters from all continents were [...]

          June 2016

            Winners of the poster competition „Donate Blood, Youth, Humanity”

            By |2017-02-09T14:14:05+01:00June 20, 2016|2016, Activities, Competition, Exhibition, Skopjeposter, Winners|

            The competition for promotional poster on the issue „Donate Blood, Youth, Humanity” which was announced by Red Cross Macedonia and Plakart – Association of Graphic Designers has attracted big attention from graphic design community of Macedonia as well as abroad. Authors of the posters that took part in the competition - opened from 1st of [...]

            December 2015

              8. Skopje Poster Festival has finished, highest amount of submissions and most visited venues

              By |2017-02-09T14:14:09+01:00December 6, 2015|2015, Activities, Competition, Festival, Skopjeposter, Winners|

              The meetings of students and designers with jury-members, following the announcement of the future 9. Skopjeposter competition were the last activities of this year festival Exhibition of finalist 100 student posters, that were selected from 2674 works from 1869 students from 52 countries, was visited by students, designers, artists and poster lovers. “From the very [...]

              November 2015

                Design masters of social and cultural poster at the 8. Skopje Poster Festival

                By |2015-11-23T17:05:38+01:00November 20, 2015|2015, Activities, Exhibition, Festival, Jury, Participants, Skopjeposter, Winners|

                Starting 30th November and until 05th December we will host renowned graphic designers from several countries including experts of social and cultural poster and typography. Official program includes visual experiences, presentations, designers meet-ups and after party. Skopje Poster Festival will again provide extraordinary visual experiences to the public - exhibition of posters, lectures from several [...]

                December 2014

                  Winners of 7th Skopje Poster Festival |Design for peace|

                  By |2017-02-09T14:14:16+01:00December 5, 2014|2014, Activities, Exhibition, Festival, Photo, Skopjeposter, Winners|

                  Ferhat Tunc-Turkey, Aslihan Tatligil-Turkey and Johanna Pedarnig-Germany are the winners of this year Skopje Poster / International Student Poster Competition on entitled ‘Design for Peace’. Those three authors will be awarded with organisation of theirs exhibition and taking part of the jury selection in the next year 8th Skopje Poster! They also are recognized with [...]

                  January 2014

                    Association for graphic designers Plakart conquered New York

                    By |2017-02-09T14:14:18+01:00January 24, 2014|2014, Activities, Exhibition, Participants, Postreview exhibition, Skopjeposter, Winners|

                    To the Big Apple audience PLAKART will present exhibition of the 50 posters finalists from the Skopje Poster competitions from 2008 to 2012. Association of Graphic Designers Plakart has its first exhibition in New York, but second in the USA, after the opening of the exhibition of Ecologic Poster competition from 2010, that was organized [...]
