Latest From The Bloggers
Skopje Creative Hub Conference – Fantastic Chance For Creative People
On 16th of December Cinematique of Macedonia will be hosting the Skopje Creative Hub Conference in organization of Plakart – Association of Designers of Republic of Macedonia. The goal of the Conference is to stimulate [...]
8. Skopje Poster Festival has finished, highest amount of submissions and most visited venues
The meetings of students and designers with jury-members, following the announcement of the future 9. Skopjeposter competition were the last activities of this year festival Exhibition of finalist 100 student posters, that were selected from [...]
8. Skopjeposter ISPC “Enabled for Disabled” Winners
“There is nothing more beautiful than differences”, “They listen, see, talk, but we don’t understand them”…these are part of the messages from yesterday evening opening of the 8. Skopje Poster Festival in the Gallery of [...]
#Fanzone, new Skopjeposter cool and inspirational content
This is officially a start of a great content that our fans and friends students has asked for. We will post short interviews with graphic designers and creative artists regarding their start of the career and [...]
Finalist of 8. Skopjeposter ISPC “Enabled for Disabled” announced
It was tremendous work, but indeed pure pleasure for the jury members to make first two online selections of 2674 received posters that address, promote and underline the needs and the problems that people with [...]
2674 posters from 52 countries submitted at the 8. Skopjeposter competition
Students from design and visual communications schools from all around the globe were invited to participates for 8 time to create posters regarding global issue. The results are 2674 posters received from 1869 participants. This [...]